Wednesday, 25 January 2012

My Office Visit

On a three weekly by three weekly basis (the period between visits to the specialist) I seem to be slowly on the improve. However, down at the daily level things are much more challenging. No day runs smoothly and some days are definitely better than others. On some days I sleep well and have energy to stay up for a few hours and eg play cards with my kids, as happened yesterday. On other days the fevers kick back in and I need to spend the day recovering from the troubled night. That is the case today - last night was not very good but I did thankfully manage to sleep quite a bit this morning to help make up for the lost sleep last night.

Yesterday was my son's first day of school for 2012, but he was home just after midday. He then drove us to a bakery/cafe and we had a simple lunch. That was very nice.

On Sunday I went with my wife to my old office. I had not been there for six months. I collected a few personal photos and pictures and other belongings that I had there. I did not bump in to anyone there which is just as well as it was a little emotional returning (although, to be fair, not as bad as I had thought). Going through my things I felt a very strong pull and desire to once again be behind my desk working hard like I used to.

On Friday I am due to get a CT scan, although I don't expect to hear the results until I next see the specialist. I suspect I will have to take up a wheelchair to get me around to where I need to go. I am fairly sure I could walk the distances involved but since I am not exactly sure where I will be going it is probably best to play it safe. I have had the wheel chair for a little while (since thinking I would need another blood transfusion) but have not used it. Using one I guess is just another adjustment I need to make.


At 25 January 2012 at 23:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Andrew. Glad to hear that you are stable and still praying for your full recovery.

Hopefully you'll be behind that desk working again.

Robyn, Jim and kids

At 31 January 2012 at 08:32 , Blogger Sm*-*r said...

Dear Andrew,
We do not know each other but I hope you to get well soon and all my best to have a speedy recovery and enjoy your time with family and friends.

Best wishes,
Woroud Alsanei
School of Food Science and Nutrition
Leeds University


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