Thursday, 17 November 2011

My Little Walks

In the last week things have continued to remain stable. The days generally start off well with a sleep straight after breakfast and end with the evenings being a bit of a struggle, both from an energy and a pain/discomfort point of view.
I have managed to venture outside a few times and have gone for some short walks around the block (a very short block it is too - maybe 200m). The energy is there and I could go further but I am not pushing things. My little leg muscles do find it hard work, especially coming up the stairs, but I manage.
I went to see the specialist yesterday and he confirmed things are stable. He even described the tumor on the back of my neck as feeling more like a cyst now, which I think is good.
We are still adjusting to me being retired and the connotations of that. Thankfully the trust has been there to help out. I notice there are some more fund raising efforts currently underway and my family and I are very grateful for these.


At 19 November 2011 at 12:09 , Blogger theBeyderClan said...

hi Andrew, glad that you're doing well and keeping active. thanks as always for the update, art

At 20 November 2011 at 12:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew, have just read updates on your blog - thank you for being so open and generous in sharing. Please know that you are in our thougths.
Kia Kaha
Love Lynda & Tayla

At 24 November 2011 at 05:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Patti, and Zeke and Xanthe are always uppermost in out thoughts. The comment about the specialist made me remember a famous anecdote by Kenneth Williams (for those too young, a late English comedian). You can hear it here:


Andrew and Christa, Germany


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